our favourite local florists


Hey, babes. We know florals are a non-negotiable for your big day, so we figured we’d share some of our favourite local florists to help you find ‘the one’ you’ve been looking for. Many of which we’ve had the pleasure of working with— all run by lovely people right here in our favourite city.


HANA by celsia

Contemporary and daring, HANA by Celsia never disappoints with their edgy floral arrangements that will be sure to add some extra wow to your wedding day.


the wild bunch

Bursting with whimsy The Wild Bunch’s arrangements feel straight out of an enchanted forest. They often incorporate both fresh and dried florals and grasses for a very dynamic look.


la bomba flora

Fresh and exotic La Bomba redefines the clean foral arrangement for the modern flower lover. Each piece so intentionally placed, these are truly works of art. “Not your grandmother’s florist.”


alicia’s florals

Blooming wildly, Alicia’s Florals are full of romance and will add a little warmth to any setting with their wide range of variety, sure to exceed your expectations.



Located in the heart of Fort Langley, Floralista’s blooms are everything you want them to be. Timelessly classic, or right on the money with today’s floral trends (most arrangements really are a little of both).

Happy flower shopping!

xx ~ Team Union




lillian wild ~ made in bc